EB Magalona Executive Order No. 5 of Mayor Marvin Malacon suspending classes in all levels

January 11, 2023

https://www.ebmagalona.gov.ph/sites/default/files/ebmagalona-eo5-23.jpg Executive Order No. 5 of Mayor Marvin Malacon suspending classes in all levels, both in public and private schools, in the Municipality of E. B. Magalona on January 11, 2023.

The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) had issued an Orange Rainfall Warning over Negros Occidental at 7:57 AM today, advising residents to prepare for possible flooding in low-lying areas and landslides in mountainous areas due to heavy rains brought by the trough of a shear line and low pressure area.

Work in government offices, however, continues today.