More than 600 Saraviahanon farmers now covered by crop, livestock and accident insurance


More than 600 farmers of EB Magalona are now covered by crop, livestock and accident insurance as part of the project of the Department of Agriculture (DA) being implemented in partnership with the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist. The aim of the initiative is to support agricultural productivity and economic sustainability for the farmers by providing them safety net to protect them from possible losses arising from natural calamities, plant diseases, pest infestations, among others.

            “In addition to the economic and agricultural development aspects of the program, we aspire to provide peace of mind to our fellow Saraviahanons engaged in farming, especially the marginalized subsistence farmers. We want them to improve economically and to know that their government officials have their back in times of unfortunate and devastating events that may affect their capacity to live a decent life”, Mayor Marvin M. Malacon said.

Programs on agriculture support and development, especially for the poor Saraviahanon farmers, are among the priorities of Mayor Malacon under his administration’s “TUMANDOK CARES” Development Agenda.

Pursuant to Republic Act No. 8175, it is the declared a policy of the State to develop and support an adequate agricultural insurance program as a mechanism for managing the risks inherent in agriculture like the case of loss on crops, including agricultural facilities and related infrastructures.