E. B. Magalona showcases best SWM practices to evaluators

The Municipal Government of E. B. Magalona, headed by Mayor Marvin Malacon, through its Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO), presented the town’s best practices in Solid Waste Management (SWM), before the Provincial SWM Monitoring and Evaluation Team, at Ciano’s Seafood Grill and Bar in the town on Tuesday, January 31, 2023.

The evaluation team was composed of officials from the DENR- EMB (Environmental Management Bureau)- Region VI, and the Provincial Environment Management Office (PEMO), and representatives from select local government units (LGUs), namely, Calatrava town, Escalante City, Victorias City, Silay City, and Bago City.

PEMO has tasked the PSWMME Team to assess the implementation of various LGUs in Negros Occidental of SWM policies and programs, and for the evaluated LGU to share their best practices with the other LGUs joining the evaluation process.

MENRO-SWM focal person Archie Derick Diel presented the town’s various SWM programs, projects, and initiatives.

This included a visit to Barangay San Jose as E. B. Magalona’s Model Barangay for SWM implementation. For Envirotech Recycling Industry, they visited Subay Marketing that recycles various types of plastics.

Meanwhile, MENRO also presented the best practices of the Tomongtong Mangrove Eco-Trail Women's Association whose members recycle various wastes generated from the daily operations of the Eco-Trail, and turn them into plastic flowers and keychain.

Attending the evaluation were Mayor Marvin Malacon, Sangguniang Bayan Member Isidro Gomed Jr., chairman of the SB Committee on Environment Protection, former SB member Joemarie Escala, Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office head Mary Angeline Gustilo, MENRO-designate Jojo Vargas, MENRO-SWM focal person Archie Derick Diel, and MENRO staff Don Salvador Salcedo.*