E. B. Magalona registers 704 businesses so far in 2024

February 28, 2024

Business owners in E. B. Magalona renew their business permits, while new owners apply for registration at the Business Permits and Licensing Office.

A total of 704 business establishments in E. B. Magalona have registered with the Business Permits and Licensing Office (BPLO) in the first two months of 2024.

This includes those that have registered during the conduct of Business One-Stop Shop (BOSS) from January 4 to 20, without penalties and surcharges in the renewal of permits.

Moreover, the Sanggguniang Bayan passed a resolution extending the BOSS to January 23 to 31 to extend the date of payment, without penalties and surcharges in the renewal of business permits as the deadline of payment for these is only until January 20.

As of Feb. 28, a total of 622 businesses have renewed their business permits, while 82 new businesses have applied for registration.

Meanwhile, 364 tricycle drivers, 66 trisikad drivers, and 60 fishing vessel operators have renewed their respective permits.

Business Permits and Licensing Officer Marichu Poniado said they are currently conducting inspection of businesses around the municipality to check which ones have not renewed or registered yet, so that they can recommend for proper action.

For inquiries on business registration, visit the BPLO at the 2nd Floor of Saravia Commercial Building (also known as "Saravia Mall").