EB Magalona AVP for Environment and Livelihood

The Municipality of E.B. Magalona – a coastal municipality in the Province of Negros Occidental with abundant aquatic resources and products. Healthy seas provide not only food but as well as jobs, sustain the economic growth, and more importantly support the well-being of the coastal communities.

The father of our Municipality recognizes the importance and the need to protect our coastal waters, thus, through his leadership there were various environmental programs that were implemented in order to insure that our coastal waters are protected. Project such as “Basura Baylo Bugas”, Eco-bricks project, coastal clean-up drives and the constant beautification of our eco-tourism site, the Tomongtong Mangrove Eco-trail have been continuously carried out.

The constant support given by the Municipal Government of E.B. Magalona under the leadership of Mayor Marvin Malacon likewise recognizes the importance of livelihood programs that seek to improve the state of life of Saraviahanons by giving them jobs, business chances, and other forms of assistance such as the implementation of fish gear project, distributions of pump boats, and fish fingerlings, and cash assistance.