Fourteen accredited civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Municipality of E. B. Magalona have been selected for representation to the Local Special Bodies (LSBs), during the selection activity at the Municipal Hall Thursday [Sept. 15].

Of the number, 12 CSOs were selected to the Local Development Council, one to the Local Health Board, and one to the Local School Board, as mandated under Republic Act No. 7160, or the Local Government Code of 1991.

The selection of accredited CSO representatives was supervised by DILG- E. B. Magalona, led by MGOO Joji Kristine Barcelona, and Nestor Garcia, the designated CSO Desk Officer of the municipality.

The CSO representatives to the Municipal Peace and Order Council (MPOC) shall be determined by the MPOC chairman based on DILG issuances, while the selection of CSO representatives to the People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB) and the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) await accordingly.

The participatory mechanisms in the form of Local Special Bodies ensure the pathways to bringing collective interests and voicing the people’s concerns at the local and regional development planning, based on DILG MC 2022-083 Guidelines.*/PIO