BAKAS distributes medical apparatus to EB Magalona barangays

The Barangay Kagawad Association of Saravia (BAKAS), headed by its president, Matthew Louis Malacon, distributed its assistance of medical apparatus to 21 barangays of E. B. Magalona at the distribution program at the Public Plaza Tuesday [May 30].

Kagawad Malacon led the distribution of these equipment during the meeting of all kagawad of all the 23 barangays called by Mayor Marvin Malacon to discuss the latest policies of the Municipal Government in handling the African Swine Fever (ASF).

These apparatus include nebulizers, sphygmomanometers, contactless thermal scanners, pulse oximeters, twist lancets, blood glucose test strips, and glucometers.

These will be used by their respective barangay health centers.

BAKAS will donate more medical apparatus to the remaining barangays in the coming days.*