33 EB Magalona couples to tie knot in Valentine mass wedding

Thirty-three Saraviahanon couples will tie the knot in a Valentine Mass Wedding at the E. B. Magalona Public Plaza on February 14, 2023 starting 9:00 a.m.

The 33 Saraviahanon couples pose with LCRO and MENRO staff after attending a seminar on SWM and planting 200 mangrove seedlings at the Tomongtong Mangrove Eco-Trail, days prior to their mass wedding on February 14, 2023.*

Mayor Marvin Malacon will serve as the solemnizing officer. This is now the seventh year that Malacon will officiate the mass wedding in E. B. Magalona since he became mayor.

Luis Gonzales, chief statistical specialist of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in Bacolod, will be the guest of honor and speaker.

Vice Mayor Eric Matulac and members of the Sangguniang Bayan will deliver their respective inspirational messages.

Days prior to the mass wedding, the 33 couples participated in pre-wedding activities organized by the Local Civil Registrar's Office (LCRO), headed by Mercedes Recla, and the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO), headed by Jojo Vargas.

The couples attended an orientation on Solid Waste Management (SWM) and later planted 200 mangrove seedlings at the Tomongtong Mangrove Eco-Trail, to symbolize their shared commitment and responsibility to protect the environment.*