2,611 EB Magalona kids get MR vaccines; 3,041 receive OPVs in first 6 days of ‘Chikiting Ligtas’ campaign

May 10, 2023

An initial total of 2,611 children in various barangays of E. B. Magalona have been vaccinated against measles and rubella (MR), while 3,041 kids have received oral polio vaccines (OPVs), in the first six days of the ongoing supplemental immunization campaign of the Department of Health (DOH), called “Chikiting Ligtas,” according to the Municipal Health Office (MHO).

Likewise, an initial total of 1,691 children have also received Vitamin A supplementation in the same activity.

The figure represented 46.57 percent of the MHO target for MR for children aged 9 to 59 months; and 46.49 percent for OPV for children aged 0 to 59 months.

"Chikiting Ligtas" is a month-long campaign of the DOH this May, called "MR-OPV SIA" or “Measles Rubella- bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine Supplementary Immunization Activity,” for children aged 0 to 59 months against polio, and aged 9 to 59 months against measles and rubella, to prevent future outbreak of vaccine- preventable diseases.

In a video message, Mayor Marvin Malacon encouraged all Saraviahanon parents to have their children vaccinated against measles, rubella, and polio.

“As parents, the health and well-being of our children is our utmost concern. As much as possible, we don’t want them to get sick, hospitalized, or worse, die from illnesses that could have been prevented through vaccination. As responsible parents, one way to ensure the protection of our children is to have them vaccinated against vaccine-preventable diseases,” Malacon said.

The MHO had started the “Chikiting Ligtas” campaign on May 2, and continued on May 3, 4, 8, 9, and 10 in various barangays.

Of the 23 barangays in the municipality, the vaccination teams have so far visited Poblacions I, II, III, Alacaygan, Alicante, Batea, Canlusong, Consing, Cudangdang, Madalag, Manta-angan, Nanca, San Isidro, San Jose, Sto. Niño, Tanza, and Tomongtong in the first six days of “Chikiting Ligtas” campaign.

The MHO had officially launched the "Chikiting Ligtas" 2023 campaign at the Public Plaza last May 3, attended by MHO doctors, nurses, midwives, DOH-deployed personnel, development management officers, BHW (barangay health workers), and BNS (barangay nutrition scholars).

The launching ceremony was graced by Punong Barangay Jovy Escala of Poblacion I, Punong Barangay Rolando Banasig of Poblacion III, and Matthew Louis Malacon, president of Barangay Kagawad Association of Saravia (BAKAS).

Also present were Provincial Health Office personnel, including Family Health and Nutrition cluster coordinator

Dr. Gabby Palacios, Provincial Family Planning coordinator Nicea Jerez, and Family Planning alternate Evangeline Tupang.

Joining them were personnel from the Municipal Police Station, Municipal Fire Station, Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office, and Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office.*