250 EB Magalona residents join coastal clean-up drive

About 250 residents of E. B. Magalona participated in the Coastal Clean-up Drive in Barangay Tuburan, organized by the Parish of St. Joseph the Worker, Tuesday morning [July 18].

Newly assigned parish priest Fr. Ernie Larida and parish deacon Rev. Darcy Galas led the 100 parishioner-participants from various ministries and lay organizations of the St. Joseph the Worker community. Also gracing the activity was Fr. Julius Espinosa, director of the Social Action Center of the Diocese of Bacolod and former parochial vicar of the Parish of St. Joseph the Worker.

From the Municipal Government were 50 participants, led by Mayor Marvin Malacon, and composed of personnel from various departments and offices.

Also joining them were about 100 officials and residents of Barangay Tuburan, led by Punong Barangay Ramonito Espacio Jr.

The participants assembled in front of the Parish of St. Joseph the Worker around 4 a.m., and proceeded to Barangay Tuburan through an Alay Lakad.

Fr. Larida, Fr. Espinosa, and Rev. Galas offered a Mass upon the arrival of participants at the Tuburan seawall. Larida's homily focused on caring for the environment.

In his letter to Mayor Marvin Malacon, Larida said this activity is in line with the advocacy of Pope Francis “to protect our common home from any garbage that will hasten the destruction of our shoreline.”

After the Mass, Fr. Larida and Rev. Galas also blessed the pump boats of Tuburan fisherfolks, with a prayer for their safety and abundant catch as they continue to provide for the needs of their families and the community.

Malacon thanked Larida for his impactful environment initiatives that will increase awareness on environmental protection and conservation among Saraviahanon.

Malacon assured Larida and the parishioners of the Parish of St. Joseph the Worker of his full support for the environmental advocacies of the church.

Meanwhile, MENRO-designate Jojo Vargas said garbage collectors of the Municipal Government immediately gathered the wastes collected from the clean-up drive.*